Mobile wallets dominate payment landscape in China

China leads global mobile wallet adoption China has emerged as a frontrunner in mobile wallet adoption, with mobile wallets overtaking traditional payment methods such as cash and cards, according to a survey conducted by GlobalData, a prominent data and analytics company. The survey revealed that an impressive 84 per centโ€ฆ

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Economic challenges amplify consumer selectivity

The loss is posing challenges for Australian retailers New research conducted by Manhattan Associates reveals that Australian consumers have become more discerning and selective in their purchasing decisions, presenting a significant barrier to local retailers. The study found that 80 per cent of Australians have become more cautious compared toโ€ฆ

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Chinese President Xi Jinpingโ€™s dedicated to improving lives

Xi focused on a people oriented governance to improve quality of life Chinese President Xi Jinping has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to improving the lives of the Chinese people throughout his political career. This dedication can be traced back to his early days in politics when he assumed theโ€ฆ

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Asiaโ€™s pride in cultural heritage and potential for greater unity

The benefits of exchanges and mutual learning among different Asian civilizations were heavily believed. A recent survey conducted by the Global Times Research Centre across 21 Asian countries has revealed the deep-rooted pride Asian people feel for their cultural heritage and the potential for a more united Asia. The surveyโ€ฆ

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The potential perils of generative AI

The risk of manipulating truth and undermining human rights In todayโ€™s digital age, the power to control information has shifted from the hands of traditional institutions to those who command artificial intelligence (AI). While George Orwellโ€™s dystopian novel โ€œ1984โ€ depicted the Ministry of Truthโ€™s control over the past and present,โ€ฆ

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New tech to drive energy efficiency in Australia

Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is one of Australiaโ€™s greatest challenges Australiaโ€™s national science agency, CSIRO, and property data analytics company CoreLogic Australia are trialling a new artificial intelligence (AI) system to estimate energy efficiency for homes across Australia. Understanding the energy efficiency of homes can help the industryโ€ฆ

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AI real-time data driving early development of autonomous vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are moving from virtual tests to early development Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are moving from virtual tests to early development phases worldwide in commercial spaces like ride-hail services, freight logistics, and mobile retail. Both consumer and commercial vehicles are leveraging real-time data to build complex simulations and understand howโ€ฆ

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Alternative payments are becoming popular in Hong Kong

E-commerce sales in Hong Kong have been growing at a robust pace Alternative payment solutions are the preferred payment method for e-commerce purchases in Hong Kong (China SAR), collectively accounting for a 43.3 per cent share in 2022, finds GlobalDataโ€™s 2022 Financial Services Consumer Survey. GlobalDataโ€™s E-Commerce Analytics reveal thatโ€ฆ

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CSIRO roadmap chartโ€™s major role for storage

There is no silver bullet for reaching net zero so we need multiple shots on goal Storage of renewable energy will be essential to Australiaโ€™s net zero transition but will require significant investment, according to the latest roadmap released today by Australiaโ€™s national science agency, CSIRO. The Renewable Energy Storage Roadmap showsโ€ฆ

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