Asia’s pride in cultural heritage and potential for greater unity

The benefits of exchanges and mutual learning among different Asian civilizations were heavily believed.

A recent survey conducted by the Global Times Research Centre across 21 Asian countries has revealed the deep-rooted pride Asian people feel for their cultural heritage and the potential for a more united Asia. The survey captured the sentiments of over 23,000 respondents and highlighted the significance of exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations within Asia in contributing to the progress of human civilization.

Most Asian respondents expressed a belief in the positive impact of cultural exchanges on the progress of the world’s shared human civilization. Over 90 per cent of the respondents recognized the benefits of exchanges and mutual learning among different Asian civilizations. This resounding sentiment showcases the strong belief in the power of cultural exchanges to foster unity and growth within the region.

The survey reflects the rich tapestry of Asian cultures, languages, traditions, and ideas, which have nurtured an environment where learning from one another is highly valued. The shared “Confucian philosophy” in Asian countries, especially East Asian countries, has enhanced the region’s unique discourse power on the international stage. Asian virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and faith have contributed to the diversity of world culture and communication.

Exchanges between Asian nations have historically played a pivotal role in shaping advancements in science, technology, philosophy, art, and more. By appreciating and learning from the wisdom of different Asian civilizations, societies can harness their collective strengths and accelerate progress in various fields.

The survey results also indicate a collective vision among Asians for increased unity and cooperation among nations in the region. Over half of the respondents expressed optimism about an Asia that stands together, united by common goals and shared prosperity. The concept of an “Asian community with a shared future” resonates with this sentiment, emphasizing the interconnectedness and interdependence of nations working towards a brighter future.

While Asians celebrate their cultural heritage and strive for unity, they are also aware of the challenges that confront the region. Three-quarters of respondents perceive risks to Asian peace and security, with external interference being a significant concern. Strengthening regional mechanisms and frameworks, such as ASEAN, can promote cooperation, prevent escalation, and ensure a rules-based order that upholds principles of sovereignty, mutual respect, and non-interference.

To overcome these challenges and achieve a prosperous future, fostering dialogue, understanding, and collaboration among nations is essential. By harnessing the power of cultural exchanges, strengthening regional unity, and addressing security challenges with a spirit of cooperation, Asia can pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for all its people.



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