Space weather impacts radio communication and navigation satellite

Space weather is made up of activities that occur on the sun’s surface. Professor Ir Dr Mardina Abdullah, Deputy Director of the Institute for Climate Change, and associate fellow of Space Science Centre at University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) has embarked on space weather research to determine its risk to various technologies,…

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National space industry hub in tech central launched

It will be delivered by Cicada Innovations due to the incubator’s 20-year track record of developing deep tech ventures. Australia’s pioneer deep tech incubator Cicada Innovations, supported by the NSW Government, is officially launching the National Space Industry Hub (“the Hub”) at its headquarters in Tech Central this week, to help build…

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South Australian Government looks at 5G innovation in space

Growing businesses focus on technology strategy and recruitment. South Australia’s Department for Trade and Investment has signed an agreement with Microsoft and Nokia, with eyes firmly fixed on leveraging Space and 5G technologies to tackle the world’s most challenging issues. By fostering relationships with South Australian industry, government and academic…

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Singapore takes steps to secure space odessey

Believes there’s a need to mitigate the cybersecurity risks of space applications. Building a successful cyber security system is important for Singapore’s government, private business and non-profit organisations. However, ensuring cybersecurity in space will be the next step for the country. According to David Koh chief executive at the Cyber…

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