Swift and DXC Technology Australia accused of tendering cartel in WA mines

Bid rigging and price fixing drive up prices for businesses and harms the economy The ACCC has launched Federal Court proceedings against technology company Swift Networks Pty Ltd (Swift) for alleged bid rigging and price fixing when tendering to supply equipment and services to five Pilbara mining village sites. Theโ€ฆ

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Making crypto safer for consumers

Australiaโ€™s regulators are strengthening their focus on crypto asset providers The Albanese Government is acting to ensure the regulation of crypto assets protects consumers and positions our economy to take advantage of new digital products and services. Unsustainable business models used by some companies dealing in crypto assets have leftโ€ฆ

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ACCC social media sweep targets influencers

The sweep is being run over the coming weeks The ACCC has this week started a sweep to identify misleading testimonials and endorsements by social media influencers. It will also look at more than 100 influencers mentioned in over 150 tip-offs from consumers who responded to the ACCCโ€™s Facebook postโ€ฆ

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Future regulation of the NBN

Undertaking the principal regulatory framework for all NBN connections The ACCC has published a consultation paper on NBN Coโ€™s proposed variation to its Special Access Undertaking and is inviting submissions from interested parties. The undertaking provides a framework for the economic regulation of the NBN until 2040, including rules for setting the maximumโ€ฆ

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Broadband retailers abiding by advertised download speeds

Retailers to make their busy period upload speeds available for fixed-line services Broadband retailers are more regularly meeting or exceeding their advertised speed claims for NBN fixed-line plans during busy evening hours. (Fixed-line connections are those that have a physical line running to the property, such as fibre to theโ€ฆ

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ACCC calls for new competition and consumer laws

The expansion of digital platform services has created new risks The ACCC has recommended a range of new measures to address harms from digital platforms to Australian consumers, small businesses, and competition. The fifth report of the ACCCโ€™s five-year Digital Platform Services Inquiry has proposed that platforms be subject to mandatory disputeโ€ฆ

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Dell Australia in court for allegedly misleading consumers

The ACCC alleges the monitors were not sold for the โ€˜strikethroughโ€™ price The ACCC has instituted Federal Court proceedings against Dell Australia Pty Limited (Dell Australia) for allegedly making false or misleading representations regarding the price of monitors that consumers could add on to purchases of Dell computers. It isโ€ฆ

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Google LLC to pay $US60 million for misleading representations

Google took remedial steps and had addressed all the contravening conduct The Federal Court has ordered Google LLC to pay $60 million in penalties for making misleading representations to consumers about the collection and use of their personal location data on Android phones between January 2017 and December 2018, followingโ€ฆ

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