Broad smartization industry adoption

Photo by Robynne Hu HOrhCnQsxnQ – Unsplash

COVID-19 accelerated the trend of smartization.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, smartization has become a topic of keen interest to individuals, companies, and society as a whole. In response to the crisis, most companies were quick to restructure their production chains to meet users’ demand and employ new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning, committed to providing customers with timely, personalized, and smart services.

As smartization is embraced by all industries, the all-scenario intelligence revolution is well underway, with widely used passive smart products and more sophisticated active ones. At the same time, AMI (ambient intelligence) has become a “helper” in coping with the pandemic and is expected to create the next driver of growth, triggering a network effect.

Virtual reality has become a key target for all industries and the era of Metaverse is coming. Virtual reality has not only become the vanguard in the fight against the pandemic but also a priority goal for different industries.

Tuya recent white paper on smartization how companies across major industries have implemented smartization to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and names the 60 smartest companies thriving post-pandemic through smart technology adoption.

Titled “2021: The 60 Smartest Companies Thriving Post-Pandemic,” the white paper explores adoption of smart technology across different industries and the application of new technologies like big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to transform production chains and bring about an intelligent industrial revolution.

Three key trends have emerged across all nine examined industries. First, that technology upgrades and labor shortages have made active smart hardware increasingly important. Second, because ambient intelligence (AMI) has proved to be extremely helpful in fighting the pandemic, it is expected to be widely applied across many industries in the future. Finally, with the rise of digitalization, virtual reality (VR) has become a priority.

The white paper includes case studies of 60 companies that exemplify best practices of smartization by using new technologies to upgrade business models, improve operational efficiency, and contribute to society and pandemic efforts. Such technologies include but are not limited to the Internet of Things (IoT), AI, 5G, blockchain and quantum mechanics.

The 60 companies profiled include well-known names such as Philips, Schneider Electric, Segway-Ninebot, SF Express, Goodyear, Aurora Lighting, Qvis Global, KE Holdings, and more.





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