Securing the enterprise in the Covid world – The state of email security

This year’s State of Email Security report contains a wealth of information and many important insights. But among its many lessons, these 10 stand out:

  • The COVID threat landscape has become much more treacherous.
  • Phishing and BEC attacks are more insidious than ever.
  • While beneficial to business, collaboration tools represent increased security risk.
  • Ransomware is everywhere.
  • Cyber preparedness is wanting at too many companies.
  • Microsoft 365 security is good – but a layered defense is much better.
  • Cybersecurity technologies will increasingly incorporate AI and machine learning.
  • Cybersecurity awareness training needs to be a bigger priority.
  • Spoofing and brand impersonation represent a new front in the cyber wars.
  • Cyber resilience pays off.

Mimecast is a cybersecurity provider that helps thousands of organizations worldwide make email safer, restore trust and bolster cyber resilience. Find out how Mimecast’s expanded cloud suite can helps your organization today stand strong in the face of cyberattacks, human error and technical failure.

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