HKT launches medical consultation platform

Telemedicine platform designed for Quality Healthcare HK.

Quality HealthCare Medical Services in Hong Kong has launched its mental health consultations (including counselling and psychotherapy) and psychiatric services on the DrGo platform, providing DrGo users with access to specialty services.

Partnering with Hong Kong Telecom, telemedicine platform DrGo aims to connect users with registered Hong Kong doctors and other healthcare professionals for video consultations. As one of the largest private medical service providers in Hong Kong, Quality HealthCare has been supporting holistic healthcare while advocating the digitalisation of related services.

Given the increasing public awareness of mental health issues, DrGo and Quality HealthCare have joined hands once again to expand the scope of services from general practice only to now include mental health video consultations, empowering users to manage both their physical and mental wellbeing. The remote psychological consultation provided by Quality HealthCare includes counselling and psychotherapy, as well as psychiatric services.

Psychiatric video consultation is the first specialty service being offered on the DrGo platform, providing a more comprehensive healthcare experience for users. The remote counselling and psychotherapy consultation will be conducted by counsellors or registered psychologists, who will help users cultivate a positive attitude and develop an optimistic outlook through education and by establishing a close and trusting relationship with them.

Following professional assessment and if deemed necessary, users may be referred to psychiatrists who specialise in mood disorders, psychological problems, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric disorders. Users can also directly book a video consultation with a psychiatrist. Appointments can be made via the online booking system on the DrGo platform.

Users can then attend their scheduled video consultation from the comfort of their home. The new service not only removes the need for users to physically visit a clinic, but also allows them to choose an environment where they feel safe to share their personal mental health concerns, enhancing the overall treatment progress and experience.

Aside from video consultations on DrGo, a wide range of healthcare products and services are also available on the DrGo Health Store online.




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