Empower the Business and IT to Innovate Fast

Whether it’s to build high performing teams and systems or develop engaging online communities, technology is at the heart of innovating for speed and scale. Tune in to see how business and IT experts including Adam Goodes former AFL player and Australian of the Year, and Provider Assist’s CIO Adam… Read More

How to enhance your security and data governance using the Salesforce Platform

Read the Salesforce IT Leaders’ Guide to Data Security and Governance to discover how you can protect your customer data: Build on a Secure and Trusted Platform Encrypt, Monitor and Retain Critical Data Protect Sensitive Data When Building and Testing Apps Take Control of Your Privacy and Data Management Get… Read More

In a digital-first economy, security will be your competitive advantage in 2022

As we wrap up Cybersecurity Awareness Month, organisations of every size should be looking to make cybersecurity a priority and not just an afterthought. Here, Salesforce’s Jay Hira, Security and Compliance Advisor, and Mark Gabriel, Platform Value & Development Executive, share their insights about what to consider when building a cybersecurity…

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