SingTel looks towards digital transformation and 5G post pandemic

COVID-19 drives strong interest and openness towards technology among customers. At SingTelโ€™s 28th annual general meeting in late July the Singapore-based telecommunications provider detailed how COVID-19 had impacted its business, as well what technologies will help it move forward through the pandemic. According to the SingTel the drop-in business activities,โ€ฆ

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Ep 11 โ€“ Living The Life In Tech โ€“ Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, Regional CISO, Standard Chartered Bank

In this episode we are joined by Erdal Ozkaya, regional CISO for Standard Chartered Bank Erdal discusses some of the major cybersecurity threats currently facing businesses in 2020 and beyond, while providing deeper insights around the steps CISOs need to take to better prepare themselves for when an attack occurs.โ€ฆ

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NSW Department of Customer Service makes invoicing sustainable

Dedicated gateway on the MessageXchange Cloud service that connects to the SAP ERP system at NSW DCS. New South Wales Department of Customer Service (NSW DCS) has implemented MessageXchange, a business-to-business integration solutions such as electronic data interchange (EDI) and e-invoicing. The implantation will create sustainable e-invoicing that streamlines theโ€ฆ

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