Republic of Maldives builds resilience

Embraces technology from for cross-government agency collaboration.

The Government of Maldives will look towards technology to help it become more efficient and be better positioned to deliver on their mission service to their citizens. The Republic of Maldives’ vision for technology is to use it to facilitate progress and convenience at all spheres of life. The new shift in cloud-powered technologies, are enabling their government agencies to collaborate and provide vital services in new and innovative ways.

The Government will look to collaborate with Microsoft aims to improve productivity, build economic growth, broaden social inclusion, and drive good governance. The two companies will work together to foster communication and collaboration across The President’s Office, 18 Ministries, and 810 Government Institutes — to ensure uninterrupted delivery of services to businesses and citizens.

The swift enablement of government employees to work remotely stems from the readiness of the government as it began its digital transformation journey in 2016 through a partnership between the National Center for Information Technology and Microsoft on modernizing the government workplace.

While requirements around compliance are complex, nuanced and vary by geography and jurisdiction, Microsoft’s compliance certifications and accreditations help the country’s government agencies to meet relevant regulations including criminal justice, public safety, tax, trade, education, health, cloud privacy and security.

“Digital infrastructure is the backbone upon which public sector efficiency rests,” said Aminath Shauna, Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Technology. “To build a public sector that is fit for the future, the government must reinvent itself. Digital transformation is not just about new technologies, but requires an overhaul of organizational structures, governance, work processes, culture and mindset to improve productivity.”

Under this initiative, government employees will be able to do their best work when mobile, to increase productivity and team collaboration. Applications like Microsoft 365 and Power BI enable personnel to connect with colleagues and file reports from the field, gain access to real-time case information and meet and work as a team to develop strategies — without sacrificing security and compliance.

“I must add that I hope this transformation will also reduce our carbon emissions, because people will spend less time on motorbikes, in cars, and in boats traveling to work” said Aminath Shauna, Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Technology. “Our aim with this initiative is to empower public sector employees with the latest cloud technologies to manage their work, connect with their team, deliver on their targets, in a secure and seamless environment, across the various agencies and across our islands.”

With Microsoft, the Government of Maldives is better able to engage and connect with their citizens, collaborate both internally and externally, and enhance services that let them reach transparency and sustainability goals. Flexibility, integration, trustworthiness, openness and a citizen-centric approach, all provide strong foundations for Microsoft to partner with governments on their road to digital transformation.



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