Singapore to build a foundation of trust

Government says digital transformation requires security. Singapore will commit another $50 million over the next five years to bolster its digital trust capabilities. According to Josephine Teo Minister for Communications and Information, this initiative will bring together industry players, research institutions, and institutes of higher learning to drive research and…

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Republic of Maldives builds resilience

Embraces technology from for cross-government agency collaboration. The Government of Maldives will look towards technology to help it become more efficient and be better positioned to deliver on their mission service to their citizens. The Republic of Maldives’ vision for technology is to use it to facilitate progress and convenience…

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ACSC updates Essential Eight Maturity Model

The Essential Eight Maturity Model, first published in June 2017 and updated regularly. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has further strengthened the implementation guidance for the Essential Eight through changes that reflect its experience in producing cyber threat intelligence, responding to cyber security incidents, conducting penetration testing and assisting organisations to…

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